Limitless Worldwide Press Release

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NEW YORK, Sept. 17, 2013 — There are plenty of performance enhancing drugs on the market, but many athletes and fitness lovers are unwilling to take them due to the controversy that surrounds them. That's why the fitness world has been buzzing with excitement over the release of two revolutionary new formulations from Limitless Worldwide that have received the coveted NSF Certified for Sport® Mark.

Limitless Worldwide, one of the premier up-and-coming direct-to-consumer companies, is quickly making a name for itself in the sports industry, because it now offers three products that have been Tested and Certified by the NSF Certified for Sport Program. NSF International is a completely independent, not-for-profit organization that helps protect consumers by certifying products and writing standards for food, water, and consumer goods. To meet the growing demands of athletes, coaches and all those concerned about banned substances in sports supplements, NSF International created the NSF Certified for Sport Program. This specially designed NSF program is a focused solution designed to minimize the risk that a dietary supplement or sports nutrition product contains banned substances.

Limitless Worldwide's first product to receive the NSF Certified for Sport mark, an orally administered, clinically tested, 100% SeroVital® secretagogue maximum strength formula that supports pituitary health, is called SeroDyne™, and athletes everywhere have been raving about it.

And Limitless is thrilled to announce that two more of its products have received the NSF Certified for Sport Mark: Endurance-RCC™ and ResiFlex-CFM™. Endurance-RCC is a total body oxygenator that helps consumers push themselves to the next level and achieve a competitive advantage unlike anything they've ever experienced. This stimulant-free, jitter-free, scientific breakthrough was specifically designed to improve cellular oxygen. What does that mean for athletes and fitness enthusiasts? It means they'll be able to increase their time to exhaustion and avoid "hitting the wall," which can take them out of the game early.

Competitive athletes often travel great distances to train in high-altitude locations, which have less oxygen present in the atmosphere, because it forces their bodies to acclimatize and deliver oxygen to their muscles more efficiently. They believe this then gives them an advantage when they compete at lower altitudes, because their bodies can deliver even greater amounts of oxygen to their muscles. Endurance-RCC works on a similar principle. It improves cellular oxygen… whether or not you live in a high-altitude area.

Endurance-RCC is a great way for competitive athletes to push their bodies harder and achieve longer, more effective workouts while promoting recovery, but it's also great for anyone who wants a little extra staying power to make it through a long day at work, survive that grueling final exam, or have enough energy to keep up with the kids all day. And one of the best things about Endurance-RCC is that it's completely stimulant-free and won't increase your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, or give you the jitters.

ResiFlex-CFM is Limitless Worldwide's brand new joint formula. Joint problems are a huge and growing concern for many people throughout the world. In fact, 70 million prescriptions and 30 billion over-the-counter joint medications are sold every year in the United States alone. The pain and decreased function and mobility that go hand-in-hand with joint issues can have a hugely negative impact on people's quality of life, lead to serious disabilities, and are especially problematic for athletes.

That's why Limitless Worldwide is so excited to offer its ResiFlex-CFM Joint Formula. It contains a unique, proprietary, ultimate joint-support complex shown in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to significantly improve standardized measurements of joint function, stiffness, and comfort across the board after only 30 days.

Anyone who is looking for alternatives to performance-enhancing drugs that can help nourish the pituitary gland or increase time to exhaustion, improve muscle growth, and improve stamina and energy, as well as all those who are tired of living with joint-related problems and are ready for a supplement that supports healthy joint function, mobility, and comfort, need these advanced, NSF Certified for Sport formulations from Limitless Worldwide.