MonaVie Releases New Training Program

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MVP Velocity outlines 7 Key Pillars to effect change for a successful business. Salt Lake City, UT May 24, 2012 -- MonaVie, a global leader in premium nutrition products made from the rarest ingredients in the world, released a new distributor sales force training program called “MVP Velocity” in the company’s North America markets (U.S. and Canada) at MonaVie Convention of the Americas in St. Louis, Mo., May 18, 2012.

The next generation of training and development, MVP Velocity provides the tools, skills and knowledge necessary to effect change and progress. With Velocity, distributors will learn key skills such as goal-setting, effective inviting and proper follow-up, which guide both business-building efforts and personal development.

“For things to change,” explains Randy Schroeder, MonaVie President of North America and Europe, “the thought process must be ‘I must change. For things to get better, I must get better.’”

While many distributor training programs today leave the learner spinning their wheels with a flurry of activities that don’t actually lead to growth and development, MVP Velocity places distributors on the right track, teaching the correct “speed” and “direction” required to operate their MonaVie business successfully.

SPEED AND DIRECTION ARE ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS TO VELOCITY Speed is a measurement of distance covered over time. Looked at another way, speed connotes change or progress. For MVP Velocity, the direction is always forward toward achieving goals and dreams. Both speed and direction are key components to the physics definition of velocity. It is from these principles that the name “MVP Velocity” was derived.

“If you keep working in the job you now work in, if you keep engaging in the business in which you are currently engaged, is there any reason to believe that your dreams will become a reality?” questions Schroeder. “If not, then you’ve been caught in the trap of revolutions. You’re spinning around a track, never truly progressing toward your dreams.”

With MVP Velocity, a distributor’s first step is to define the direction in which they want to head. Perhaps, that direction is building a nest egg for retirement, or to create an income that will allow Mom to stay home with the kids, or to build a business that can be passed on to the next generation.

THE SEVEN PILLARS When asked if there is a key attribute that defines those who go on to have long-term success, Schroeder says simply, “Willingness…a willingness to change, to grow, to develop new skills, abilities and attributes; willingness to put forth the effort, to spend the time and to make the sacrifices to become successful—that is the attribute, more than any other, that defines success.”

To effect the change necessary to experience great success, MVP Velocity introduces seven key pillars: 1. Community—Learning takes place best within a group. 2. Tools—the Velocity tools teach distributors to apply what they’ve learned, and then help them to help others do the same. 3. Motivation—MVP Velocity creates intrinsic motivation by giving distributors a more complete understanding of the Network Marketing Industry. When you understand, you’re more likely to do. 4. Inspiration—With Velocity, distributors work toward achieving a balance of Spiritual Guidance, Family and Work. 5. Financial Literacy—Learn to control money rather than being controlled by it. 6. Calendar and Events—Events lead to opportunity, and calendaring organizes events. In Velocity, distributors will discover just how important these two principles are. 7. Communication—When it comes to communication, it really all depends on two key components: “you and me.” Communication is the art of you and me coming to an understanding together.

Distributors at MonaVie’s recent Convention of the Americas received the MVP Velocity distributor training program was great anticipation. MonaVie plans to launch MVP Velocity in its European markets this September.