Lia Sophia Discusses Self Esteem And Jewelry

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In recognition of Women's Confidence Day on June 2, lia sophia is showing women how wardrobe accessory changes can make a huge impact on their confidence.

"Women's Confidence Day is a perfect opportunity for us to explain how to make simple changes with jewelry that will make you feel great," said Bonni Davis, Vice President of Sales for lia sophia.

Davis said women should keep the following in mind:

•Think outside of the box. Change it up by choosing accessories you wouldn't usually wear. Pull your hair back and wear long, bold earrings. Or instead of wearing one bracelet, grab a handful and mix and match them. This adds texture and versatility to your fashion statement. From lia sophia, stay on top of the animal print trend this season and try the Wild Thing stretch bracelet. It's a striking mix of patterned transparent enamel and hammered matte gold marked with cut-crystal stones of light smoky topaz.

•Experiment with color and shapes. Introduce color to your outfits, but choose colors that work with your skin tone. For dark or olive skin, try purples, greens, reds and yellows. For lighter skin tones, try soft colors such as powder blues and pinks. And, think of triangular- and square-shaped jewelry. A great choice is the Candy Land necklace from lia sophia. This matte gold toggle necklace is loaded with genuine mint green amazonite, amethyst glass cat's eye and beads in salt-water taffy colors. It's that go-with-everything piece you'll wear all season.

•Channel your inner you. Do you love how certain accessories look on other people, but wouldn't dare to try it for yourself? Here's your chance. Bring out your inner rock star with black and metallic adornments. Or, show your youthful side with vibrant and funky-colored beads. The lia sophia Coliseum over-sized hoop earrings of matte gold feature a contemporary cutout design -- they're a great choice if you've been wanting to try the trend of big, bold and metallic.